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PRODUCTS:Wooden Siding

Wooden Siding 

Log Siding

Our log siding is designed to provide homeowners with a top-notch product that gives the look and feel of rustic logs at a fraction of the cost of full-fledged logs.

Our log siding comes with a tongue and groove end matched system that is outdone by no one in the industry. This will cover all nails or screws locking the boards into place for very good strength, and awesome durability. This system not only saves on labor and materials, but it also saves on money up to 20% versus traditional siding costs.



Lap Siding

Our lap siding  is easy to install, light in color and easy to maintain. The siding comes kiln dried with a technique used to prevent shrinking and pitch bleeding. We sort, inspect and defect each piece of siding to insure the best product.



T&G Paneling

Bring the beauty of the outdoors into your home with quality tongue and groove paneling. We give you several options of tongue and groove paneling, including:

* SPF. This SPF paneling has the most natural beauty because of its color, knots and grain patterns. It is not only beautiful but durable and the upkeep is a snap.
* Cedar. Think outside the closet! Cedar is aromatic and beautiful for many places in your home. Paneling, closets, ceiling and saunas are a few places it can be used.