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Quacent Project photos

SIP installation of Holland project-7days


  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan.

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan. 

  • SIP system is light structure building. It’s graded from traditional timber 2x frame. SIP still use beam and post for support and has very high earthquake resistance ability. Our houses have survived many earthquakes in Japan